Hector is a Klappers Rick police detective. In his best days, he is cruel, drinking, rude, vulgar, sarcastic and prone to a fight, a flawed hater. His philosophy: there are no innocents!
Klappers Rick - a town in the UK, robbing her of "greatness", a real festering boil on the pubis of society. Here, murder is just one of the ingredients of a cocktail of crime knocking down their feet, and the answers are written in blood on the wall. Sometimes urine ... but more often blood.
More Info
Developer: Straandlooper Animation
Publisher: Telltale Games
Genre: Adventure, Quest, Detective, 3rd Person
Language: EN
Treatment: Not required
Release Date: 2011
Minimum System Requirements
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 at 1.8 GHz or equivalent
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Video Card: ATI or NVIDIA card with 256 MB VRAM
Free Disk Space: 1.9 GB