After lost contact from Amelia, young police officer Brian head to the Lakeside, to find her.
Only a bleak silence set in the town of Lakeside, Brian must bring everything he got to solve mysteries of Lakeside
- Rogue is a openworld game set in fictional town of Lakeside.
- Manage your limited resources to stay alive from threats in Lakeside.
- Level up your character to overcome any challenges that Lakeside throws at you.
- Look for the documents and read them carefully to get informations, otherwise you will be lost in vast openworld of lakeside.
- Find vendors to purchase various cosmetic items and usefull tools.
- Find Amelia Warren.
More Info
Developer: Lone Sky
Publisher: Lone Sky
Genre: Action, Adventure, 3rd Person
Language: EN / KOR
Treatment: Included
Release Date: 2019
Minimum System Requirements
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 | Intel i5 Skylake
OS: Windows 10 (64 bit)
Video Card: AMD Radeon RX 570 | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (Windows 10)
Free Disk Space: 55 GB
Recommended System Requirements
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 | Intel i5 Kaby Lake
OS: Windows 10 (64 bit)
Video Card: AMD Radeon RX 590 | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
Free Disk Space: 55 GB
Gameplay Trailer & Screenshots
1. Mount ISO Image with DaemonToolsLite and install the game
2. Copy content of the folder "CODEX" to the installed games directory
3. Play