Get ready for a fast-paced, magical combat/comedy game battling fearsome zombie hordes! Accompanied by delightful(!) flute melodies and compelling narration, you will gain new skills as you progress...all the better to clean out the monster-strewn maps throughout the game! There is a wide range of difficulty settings from Invincible (piece of cake) to Hard mode (which will definitely make you sweat)!
More Info
Developer: Tonguc Bodur
Publisher: Tonguc Bodur
Genre: Action
Language: EN / Multi7
Treatment: Not required
Release Date: 2024
Minimum System Requirements
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz, AMD Athlon 64 X2 2GHz
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64 bit)
Video Card: NVIDIA GTX 780 or AMD RADEON RX 470 (These are for 1080p resolution, lowest graphics settings and 60 FPS most of the time)
Free Disk Space: 3 GB
Gameplay Trailer & Screenshots
Alternative Versions
1. Mount ISO Image and install the game
2. Copy content of the folder "Crack" to the installed games directory
3. Play