The Blackout Club is a first-person co-op horror game centered around a group of teenage friends investigating a monstrous secret beneath the skin of their small town. Every night, everyone in town gets out of bed and sleepwalks. In the morning, they wake up with no recollection of what happened or where they were. Some teenagers in this town woke up during a few of these "Blackouts" themselves, finding themselves in the woods or on train tracks with no idea how they got there. When they tell their parents, their teachers, the police... no one believes them.
More Info
Developer: Question
Publisher: Question
Genre: Action, Survival Horror, 1st Person
Language: EN / Multi5
Treatment: Not required
Release Date: 2019
Minimum System Requirements
CPU: Intel i5-2550K, 3.4 GHz
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64 bit)
Video Card: GeForce GTX 670 | Radeon HD 7950
Free Disk Space: 15 GB