The game brings wargamers to the "soft underbelly of Europe", a place that was anything but. A very often neglected theater of war, Fortress Italy starts with the Sicilian campaign from July through August 1943. Sicily was the first test for the newly reorganized and improved American forces as they battled against grizzled vets of the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe as well as a wide array of Italian Army forces.
More Info
Developer: Battlefront
Publisher: Slitherine Ltd.
Genre: Strategy
Language: EN / Multi5
Treatment: Not required
Release Date: 2023
Minimum System Requirements
CPU: Pentium IV 1.8 GHz or equivalent speed AMD processor
OS: Windows 10
Video Card: 256 MB VRAM or better and must support 1024x768 or higher resolution in OpenGL
Free Disk Space: 13 GB