Creature in the Well is a top-down, pinball-inspired, hack-and-slash dungeon crawler. As the last remaining BOT-C unit, venture deep into a desert mountain to restore power to an ancient facility, haunted by a desperate Creature. Uncover and upgrade powerful gear in order to free the city of Mirage from a deadly sandstorm. Pinball with swords: Charge up energy orbs, then bounce and ricochet them to reactivate dormant machinery and stop the sandstorm. Defeat the Creature: Escape the many challenges set by the Creature and confront it in intricate, skillful battles.
More Info
Developer: Flight School Studio
Publisher: Flight School Studio
Genre: Action, Top-Down, Dungeon-crawler
Language: EN / FR / Multi8
Treatment: Not required
Release Date: 2019
Minimum System Requirements
CPU: Intel Core i3-530
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 / ATI Radeon HD 6870
Free Disk Space: 5 GB