Embark on a mesmerizing puzzle game adventure. Stranded within a crashed alien ship on Saturn's moon, "Atlas", assume the role of the museum researcher, the protagonist of Machinika: Museum, whose escape pod led them to the heart of an alien vessel. Prepare to embark on a cosmic odyssey filled with mystery, cryptic puzzles, and a narrative that keeps you on the edge of discovery. Explore the unknown depths ...
More Info
Developer: Littlefield Studio
Publisher: Dear Villagers
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Puzzle
Language: EN / Multi15
Treatment: Not required
Release Date: 2024
Minimum System Requirements
CPU: 3.4 GHz or higher
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11
Video Card: Graphics card with at least 1 GB of dedicated VRAM
Free Disk Space: 4 GB
Gameplay Trailer & Screenshots
Alternative Versions
1. Mount ISO Image with DaemonToolsLite and install the game
2. Copy content of the folder "Crack" to the installed games directory
3. Play