Become the gold miner. Work hard, dig deep, explore the world, and you’ll become the wealthiest man in Alaska. Use a variety of highly-detailed machines to find as much gold as you can. Those of you who have never dreamt about finding a gold nugget, please raise your hand. Ok, now, gather around, because I’m about to tell you something. The rest of you can just enjoy this experience because there is nothing I can tell you to make you even more interested. It’s just a “dream come true” for all of us, right?
More Info
Developer: Code Horizon
Publisher: PlayWay
Genre: Simulation, First-person, Third-person, 3D
Language: EN / Multi8
Treatment: Not required
Release Date: 2017
Minimum System Requirements
CPU: Intel Core i5
RAM: 12 GB
OS: Windows 7 (64-bit) or Newer
Video Card: NVidia GeForce GTX 760
Free Disk Space: 13 GB